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Concept Artist, Animator ,Hong Kong

Thursday 10 March 2011

Layout & Composition Study 02_鋼の錬金術師

I love to watch Fullmetal alchemist, I think their layout and editing are very good, so I try to study some of them.


Tuesday 1 March 2011

Draw a HUMAN_03_Body

Last time, I introduced Hitokaku, here is his website : http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~zm5s-nkmr/index.html , welcome all to practice and feedback.


I start to learn on human body, I practice front, side, back and 45 angle of body from a manga drawing book.


But I find difficult to draw in 3D view, so I try an other method to draw body. 

不過我發覺只用直線很難表現3D 的立體感,所以我又試了另外一種。

I have mixed up the both 2 methods to have a daily drawing on human, and remind myself focusing on body structure. 


More Practice Methods :

via ~ Fineart