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Concept Artist, Animator ,Hong Kong

Monday 1 August 2011

LightValueStudy 07_ Avatar

I like Avatar, here are some key moments I love very much, so I study their light value.

Draw a HUMAN_05_Male

Practice make prefect, I am still learning how to draw a HUMAN, before go into detail, it is better you know the basic body structure and try to draft sketch. Use different photo reference on magazine. Don't just look at your Smart Phone, and please observe the people around you which help you a lot.

練習成就更好! 現在還是不斷學習中。在你進入細節(包括:頭髮、肌肉、服飾...)之前,最好先知道基本的比例及結構。從雜誌不同相片來練習人的動態,不要只看著你的手機,因為真人就在你面前!


More Practice Methods :

via ~ Fineart

Let's practice SLAM DUNK! 