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Concept Artist, Animator ,Hong Kong

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Line of Action Study_01

When I come back to key frame animation, I discover that ARC and Line of action ready helps to express human action and pose, which many Disney Cartoons had used in their animation. So, I try to practice on human motion.

當我近來再次Key Animation,我發覺ARC 同LINE ACTION 好能夠幫助畫人物,Disney 的卡通也常用,於是我去練一下人物的動作及動態。

This time, I try to use simple line to practice which I learn form Gill-bean.
今次我學習Gill-bean 的簡化線條,畫出人物的動作及動態。

Then 1 try to study more on some photography, I discover that so professional wedding photo also have ARC and Line of Action!

之後我試試練習不同動作,我發現一些專業的婚禮相片也有ARC 同 LINE OF ACTION! 

More Practice Methods :

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